Can-Am "We Can All Ride" Series
Directed by Ryan Ovadia
Move over, razor scooter - we’ve got a new ride. Here at Banter, we are big fans of moving fast …and wearing helmets (safety first, friends). So, when the fine folks at Can-Am approached us to come up with the creative for five videos as part of their iconic series, “We Can All Ride,” we were *thrilled*. Through each episode of this series, Can-Am explores the lives of Ryker and Spyder riders on and off their vehicles with a resounding message to the audience: Anyone can ride. We shot with high level talent all across Southern California, from downtown San Diego to the canyons of Malibu. Connecting with local crews in each location, we captured over ten interviews, ample running footage and carefully curated b-roll of our talent. We knew an agile set up with specialized professionals was key so we coordinated two units shooting simultaneously to efficiently use our time to capture the content for all 40 deliverables. In post, each deliverable was taken through to publication: 40 fully mixed, VFX’d and colored videos finished to the Banter standard of excellence. Now sit back, put on your helmet, and enjoy.